Category: Software Development


Quick Start into Rust for developers

13. November 2021

In this post, I will give a very brief overview into Rust for developers who are already familiar with other languages such as Python, Java, C, etc… Traits A trait is the equivalent to an interface in Java.

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How to run PyCharm with Docker and *Conda

14. January 2021

I assume that docker is installed and a docker container with Conda is already running. Furthermore, this will only work on PyCharm Professional. connect PyCharm to Docker using this tutorial. IMPORTANT: Change the python interpreter path from “python” to “/path/to/conda-env/on/docker/bin/python3.X”, replacing the path according to the Conda installation in your docker container Open or create […]

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Exporting a JavaFX project with IntelliJ and Java 14

3. April 2020

Note: Click here to see how to install the last Java version on Ubuntu If you try to export a JavaFX project to a .jar file according to many tutorials you find online, you might be getting the error Can not build artifact – fx: deploy is not available in this JDK. If you haven’t […]

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Setting up JavaFX with IntelliJ Idea on Ubuntu

28. March 2020

Install IntelliJ Install JDK 14 from here Install JavaFX 14 SDK from here Set environment variable JAVA_HOME to your JDK installation, e.g. /usr/lib/jdk-14 Start IntelliJ Idea and create a new JavaFX project Once created, navigate to File -> Project Structure -> Libraries and add the JavaFX library, pointing at the lib folder inside it, e.g. […]

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Use JavaFX and Ubuntu to develop a cross platform app

27. March 2020

I am assuming Ubuntu 19.10. At first, we need to install the JVM and JRE. Secondly, we need to set the environment variable JAVA_HOME: Add this at the end of the file: Run Initiate gradle running Make sure that the section marked with JVM shows your just installed JVM 1.8 Create a home-directory, move there […]

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